Food and environmental allergies are at an all time high. We all know someone who suffers from severe allergies. Maybe you do? Or maybe your child? Maybe you have been to the allergist and have a long list of allergies or maybe you are just beginning to uncover what might be behind your and your child’s symptoms.
The thing with allergies is that unless they genetically run in your family, there is a way you can heal your body. No one really talks about this though. At best, your child’s allergist will tell you “hopefully they outgrow it!”
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Food and environmental allergies are at an all time high. We all know someone who suffers from severe allergies. Maybe you do? Or maybe your child? Maybe you have been to the allergist and have a long list of allergies or maybe you are just beginning to uncover what might be behind your and your child’s symptoms.
The thing with allergies is that unless they genetically run in your family, there is a way you can heal your body. No one really talks about this though. At best, your child’s allergist will tell you “hopefully they outgrow it!”
When my child was six months old we were referred to the supposedly best allergist in our town. He performed the skin prick test and my son who was exclusively breastfeeding at the time, tested severely allergic to nine different things. Eight foods and grass. We were told his allergies were so severe that he would likely have them forever and it would probably be best if I stop breastfeeding him to minimize the chances he could be exposed. We were sent away with a prescription for an epipen.
To be really honest, I felt so much relief with this allergy diagnosis. We had been searching for answers his entire six months of life and learning how to avoid these foods felt like a piece of cake. I had taken him to so many different doctors and dermatologists for his eczema, bloating, inconsolable screaming and crying for hours on end, reflux and sour smelling poop that often had mucus and blood in it. I had blindly tried every elimination diet so knowing exactly what to avoid was so refreshing. I continued to breastfeed and our entire family cut out all of our son's allergens. When my husband mowed the lawn I would leave for the day in hopes to protect him from any airborne particles. But he never healed. His symptoms didn’t improve in the slightest.
Afraid of an allergic reaction, we continued to keep those nine allergens out of our lives and sought help from other healthcare professionals for another two years. All the while our sons symptoms continued to get worse and there were new ones everyday. As he started eating food I could tell his body wasn’t absorbing nutrients. He would poop whole sunflower seeds and blueberries. As he got older you could just see pain and anger in his eyes. He started experiencing really wild behavioral outbursts and I could just tell he wasn’t him. I can’t even describe it but it was like there was a monster inside of him and he was trapped.
No one had any answers. We spent over $20,000 trying to heal him because it was so clear that if we didn’t do something quickly, we were going to lost him. He was on the verge of developing a lifelong disease. He stopped looking at me in the eyes, he wasn’t able to communicate very well and I could see him moving onto the spectrum.
I am sharing this story with you because I know that if you suspect allergies in yourself or your child you can relate to this. Now I want to tell you what happened next. How we completely healed our son and all nine of his allergies went away.
When he was 2.5 we finally met with a naturopath who validated what I had known all along. All of his symptoms were connected to one root cause. He had a severe gut imbalance. We healed his gut and all of his symptoms went away. He started looking at me in the eye and wanting to snuggle really close. Whereas before he didn’t want to be touched. His skin cleared, he started sleeping and his poops became healthy. Our naturopath recommended we go back to the allergist. He was certain all nine of his allergies would be gone. So we did. Our allergist said he had never seen anything like this before. All nine were completely healed.
I went back to our naturopath for an explanation. I wanted to understand how his allergies had gone away. What he taught me changed our life and is why I am recording this episode for you. He said when the gut is imbalanced it causes inflammation. This inflammation causes a blurred connection between the gut and the brain which causes the entire body to misfire. Meaning the body will incorrectly respond to different foods at different times and cause what seems like an allergic reaction. This is why it can be so hard to pinpoint what food is causing symptoms to flare. This is why none of the many elimination diets I tried did anything. This is why my sons symptoms didn’t heal when we eliminated his supposed allergens. You see, he didn’t actually have any allergies. Had we gone to the allergist even one week later, his test would have likely showed completely different allergens. Meaning all of our efforts to strictly avoid those nine things was completely unnecessary and unproductive.
This is why I always recommend you rebalance before testing for sensitivities or allergies. Because if your gut is imbalanced and inflamed, your results will not be reliable. Heal your gut and then test if needed. I will link my Women’s and Children’s Gut Rebalance Kits for you in the show notes. These contain the exact supplements and dosages we used to heal our son.
Thousands of mamas have successfully healed their child's allergies and symptoms by rebalancing with the Children’s Kit. I know you can heal your child too.
I hope this episode was eye opening for you and brought new light to your or your child’s symptoms. I hope you leave here knowing exactly what to do next to heal your body. Please share this with anyone who might benefit from knowing about how important it is to heal their gut. Catch you next time.