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Eczema and Skin Rashes
Eczema skin rashes stem from an issue much deeper than the skin itself. Steroid creams and topical treatments only mask your symptom. In order to heal your skin you must heal your gut. This is true for all skin rashes and acne.

Are you or your child struggling with oral thrush, vaginal yeast infections, bloating, fatigue, fungal infections, rashes or unstable moods? If you answer yes to two or more of these it is very likely you have a candida yeast overgrowth.

Food Allergies, Intolerances and Sensitivities
If you or your child suffer from food allergies, intolerances or sensitivities that don't genetically run in your family - this is an indication that the gut bacteria is significantly imbalanced. This imbalance causes inflammation which blurs the communication pathway from the gut to the brain making it so the body incorrectly respond to different foods at different times.

Healing from Antibiotics
It takes two years for the gut to restore itself just from one course of antibiotics. And this one course increases your chance of a major depressive episode by 24% in the next 12 months. If you now go back to your doctor within that 12 month period to get a second course, your risk of major depression goes up to 54%. Not to mention your skin, digestive and immune health.
Needless to say, it is really important to heal your gut after taking antibiotics.

It is estimated that 80% of people in the United States have parasites. This is problematic because these invaders feed on our food, causing malabsorption and nutrient deficiencies. This can lead to various symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and weakened immunity. Not only that, but the presence of parasites can trigger inflammation and damage the intestinal lining, negatively impacting your gut health. .

Chronic Diarrhea or Constipation
Contrary to what your doctor will mostly likely tell you, the answer to digestive issues isn’t a laxative or a fiber supplement. These are bandaids that don’t heal your body. The body experiences diarrhea or constipation when something is off inside. That something is most often an imbalance in the gut bacteria.

Anxiety and/or Depression
Many hormones and neurotransmitters stem from your gut so when there is an imbalance, your body is not able to produce optimal amounts. This means you don’t get the happy chemicals to your brain. Which results in depression, anxiety, anger and unstable moods. The gut brain axis is really powerful and if your gut is imbalanced that communication pathway becomes blurry making it hard to focus.

During utero a babies gut is sterile. They get their first exposure to bacteria when they pass through the birth canal. The mothers microbiome becomes the babies. The unfortunate part about this is that many mothers unknowingly have a gut imbalance that they pass onto their child during birth. Or if the baby is born via cesarean section, their first exposure is environmental. An imbalance leads to symptoms like bloating and screaming for hours on end.

Leaky Gut
Leaky gut is a condition where the lining of your intestine becomes more permeable than it should be. Normally, this lining acts as a barrier, controlling what gets absorbed into your bloodstream. But with leaky gut, this barrier becomes compromised, allowing toxins, undigested food particles, and bacteria to pass into your bloodstream. If you suffer from chronic health issues like autoimmune diseases, allergies or asthma it is likely you have leaky gut.

ONLE What Your Body Needs
At ōNLē ORGANICS, we believe in giving your body exactly what it needs—nothing more, nothing less. All of our supplements and products are crafted with only the most essential, pure ingredients. We never use fillers, additives, or preservatives. Ever.
Happy and Healthy Customers
I went to pediatrician, dermatologist, allergist, craniosacral, chiropractor, bio frequency healer etc. Did your 60 day protocol my son is better.
My son is 3 years old and after going through your course he just had his first solid poop! The first he has ever had! We only started implementing everything last week.
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Pretty much have been able to throw out all of our "medicine" in the drawer that we had compiled over the years because ONLE ORGANICS products.

Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Juniper Bennett
I'm a homeschooling mama to four my children, a dedicated microbiome specialist, certified family health coach, founder of ōNLē ORGANICS, host of the Follow Your Gut Podcast, and author of The Microbiome Cookbook.
My family’s journey to wellness started years before I even became a mama but really took a foothold when my second child was born with a slew of symptoms including eczema, colic, reflux, sour smelling poop, restless sleep, allergies, behavioral issues and developmental delays. My determination to heal him from the inside led my family on a 2.5 journey where we learned that all of his symptoms were related to a significant gut imbalance. We rebalanced his gut and all of his symptoms went away.
midwife & naturopath recommended
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midwife & naturopath recommended
3rd party tested
GMP certified
What Makes ōNLē Organics Different
Supplements created by a mama - for women, mamas and children. ōNLē ORGANICS provides you the absolute best quality supplements that contain ōNLē the ingredients you need.
Onle OrganicsOthers Companies
Third Party Tested
Designed for all life stages
Alkaline structured
Professionally manufactured
THC Free
Allergen Free
Cruelty Free

Gut Health Quiz
Take this quick and easy quiz to get in tune with you and your child's gut health!

Follow Your Gut Podcast
Ever wish you had a mama friend in your back pocket who wasn't afraid to talk about poop, vaginal infections, skin rashes, behavioral issues and everything in between?
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