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Silver has been used for thousands of years for its incredible healing properties, yet today, it’s one of the most misunderstood tools in natural health. In this episode, I sit down with Doug, a leading expert in silver and my manufacturing partner who has helped me formulate and create Cleanse, Relieve and Wash. In this conversation we explore the history of silver, address common misconceptions, and dive into the science of how it works safely and effectively at every stage of life. If you’ve ever been curious - or even hesitant -about silver supplements, this episode is for you.
Juniper (00:01)
Welcome to Follow Your Gut, Doug. It is a real honor to have you here and your voice is going to be really supportive and really powerful to my audience. Everyone listening knows that I am a huge believer in silver. It healed my son, changed my family's life, and now through Only Organics, I've had the incredible opportunity to reach thousands and thousands of families around the world.
who are also experiencing the healing, but there's so much controversy around silver. There's so many misconceptions and myths, and I can't wait to go through all of that with you and just, you know, talk about the history of silver, the evolution, the safety of it at different life stages and just hear your expertise. So will you just introduce yourself to start and we can just dive into this conversation.
Doug (00:59)
Sure, thanks for having me. My name's Doug and I'm here as I'm gonna say the person in the company that produces the silver for you and have been doing this for many, many years now. just, you know, our whole foundation is to bring natural healing to people. you know, silver has been around for...
thousands and thousands of years, you we can trace the lineage of silver back to Egyptian times, Mayan times, Incan times, Chinese times. And if we just think about it for a second is Why is the history of silver one of an antimicrobial
property, let's say, if we look back to Egyptian times and some of those, you know, prior civilizations, they were putting silver coins or silver pieces into milk bats to help preserve and keep food.
Yeah, free of sorry, my cat just jumped on my desk here. Yeah, she tries to do that. But silver has this rich history of an antimicrobial and antibacterial. So then if we get into, I'm to say almost current times, if we get to the early 1900s,
Juniper (02:10)
was home, my cat would be laying right here in between us.
Doug (02:28)
And we look at the Merrick manual, which is the physicians or the doctor's desktop reference manual that every doctor has on their desk. Silver was over 40 applications within the medical system in the early 1900s and late 1800s. Then the adoption of penicillin came in and penicillin could eliminate bacteria a few seconds faster. was patentable. The patent of silver ran out in the early 1900s, which means that it wasn't a
product that was used by the pharmaceutical system anymore because they couldn't patent it. We all know that the pharmaceutical system is driven by patents. So in came the antibiotics and silver at that point was demonized because they couldn't control it. They couldn't make money on it. And we saw a lot of different herbs and botanicals that were demonized, you know, in the early right? And that's a huge story that we can go off completely on our own.
Juniper (03:27)
Doug (03:27)
know, silver has been around for a long time and, you know, fast forward into today's age and we'll touch upon, you know, some of the do's and don'ts, let's say, as well. Because one of the fears that people have is when they go to Google and they look up colonial silver, unfortunately, the first few pages of
Google are going to say, you know, it can turn you blue. It's, it's got these different problems and it scares people away and it creates this perception of, well, I don't want to take this because it's dangerous. Right. And to be honest with you, there is truth within that information. When silver, just like any other product is created incorrectly, it can lead to a blueing graying of the skin. And the biggest
problem that I have and that I see is we'll talk about the manufacturing of silver for a second. And if I'm going in a bit different direction, please feel free to reel me in as I just start rambling.
Juniper (04:28)
No, this is
so good. I speak on all of this all of the time, but you know, there's so much power to somebody else's voice. And you have been in the silver world for far longer than I have. And lucky for me, when I was going through my son's healing journey, I was lucky enough to be connected with you, which is, you know, where...
you have taught me so much and so for my listeners to be able to learn from you the source where I have learned so much is really powerful. yeah let's keep going.
Doug (05:07)
Okay, cool, cool. So when silver is made incorrectly, it can lead to Argeria, which is that blue and graying of the skin that you see all over Google or those kinds of things. So my biggest challenge with that is people get sold these silver generators on Amazon for 10 to $20, for instance, right? And...
You know, I'm in a lot of the groups on Facebook and stuff, because I always just like to watch what people are doing and that kind of thing. But let's just look at this from like a scientific side in a common sense side for a second. So first and foremost, when somebody starts making silver in one of those home generators in a glass jar or that kind of thing, they'll have two silver rods and one's positively charged, one's negatively charged. they're using an ex the problem. Number one is to use any extremely
low power source and some of them were battery powered and some of them were just household electricity, you know standard plug into the wall kind of power. That doesn't generate enough power to create, I'm going to say a nano sized silver particle. Particle size is super important here, energetic frequency is super important here and bonding silver to the water is super important here. So when people make these collodial silvers at home,
The first thing we also have to hope is they're getting like a 99.999 % pure silver. Anything less than an absolute pure silver is gonna have other metal compounds in it and it's gonna lead to a less effective product. Two, when people are making those collodial silvers at home, they come out in fairly large chunks. can be, we're measuring nanometers here, but they can be flaky.
Right? And you'll see those silvers settle to the bottom of the jar and then people shake it up before they ingest it. So the big concern with that is, is well, if it's settling to the bottom of the jar and then you take it and you ingest it, well, then it's going to be stored within the fat cells of the body. Cause it's not breaking down to a point that it's going to pass through, you know, the waste system through over time. It's going to build up and then that
of the skin is Argeria, which is the silver molecules being stored in the fat cells over time. In short term usages, and if we were under some kind of assault or really bad time that we needed to get, you know, silver into our body for the antimicrobial properties in a very short term, yeah, do what you gotta do, right? But what we're talking about here is long-term daily usage for
immune support, digestive support, and the things that we're talking about here, right? So what we've done is we've created a silver that's got an extremely small nanoparticle under 10 nanometers, which means that you could put literally thousands of silver particles on the tip of this pen. What we also do differently is we actually bond it to the water molecule. So the silver molecules are impregnated into a structured water molecule, and that's done by free...
Juniper (07:59)
Doug (08:23)
frequency and vortexing. And then we charge it to 910 terahertz. And there's a bunch more science that comes within that we're using. If anybody has a welder or a hot tub or anything, they know they've got that big power outlet, a 240 power outlet that plugs into the wall. That's the kind of energy that we're using. And we're using a 13 rod generator. So we've got 13 rods running at a frequency of
of 910 terahertz pulsating those silver particles on a 99.999 % pure silver. So what we're creating is something extremely small with high energy bonded to a water molecule that doesn't settle to the bottom of the jar. That silver will stay in suspension the lifespan of it. And we've got silver sitting for over 10 years that has no sediment whatsoever.
So what that means is it's a silver that's being created safe and effectively for the body to be able to use on a daily basis. And in over 20 years of producing this product, we've never seen any side effects whatsoever. We've never seen anybody turn blue. We've never seen anybody with, I'm going to say the fear factor of effects that can happen with this.
Juniper (09:38)
Well, I think all of that, I mean, that speaks to the product so much. And I just want to clarify a couple parts that you touched on. So it is impossible for cleanse to settle in the body. you flush it out,
Doug (09:56)
It passes through in about 12 hours with good hydration. The biggest thing for people to do is be drinking the proper amount of water every day too. To one, to flush it through the body, as well as to help circulate it through the body because we want to get those silver particles circulating throughout the body. So it's combating the yeast, the bacteria, the fungus and the mold and the things that silver naturally combats.
Juniper (10:20)
And I remember you and I, so, Algeria, this is when the silver is settling in your body. It's settling in your organs. It's turning your skin this silvery blue color because you have so much buildup in your body. And...
this happens when you're not getting the particle size small enough or created in a professional environment where there is, I mean, you have put a tremendous amount of work and research behind how you create the silver so that it is safe. And so this is just a question that I get a lot. I get these questions in my DMs every single day. I feel scared to give my child silver. I feel scared to take
silver. I don't want my child to have heavy metals. So maybe we can touch on that part. Like what differentiates silver from other heavy metals?
Doug (11:15)
let's go to the periodic table of elements. Remember that in about grade six science? Okay, so if we take and we look at that periodic table of elements, because there's elements on there that people take for their health and they're not afraid of. There's zinc, there's gold, there's copper, there's iron, you know, there's all of those different elements that people are actively taking every day. Silver is completely
Juniper (11:21)
Yeah, I love that.
Doug (11:45)
completely unique in the periodic table of elements is it's if you look at it from an electrical standpoint, it's the only element on the periodic table that's actually missing an electron. And that's really, really interesting when we come to looking at silver from a health standpoint, because what silver does because it's negatively charged or missing that electron is it actually steals electrons from
yeast, bad bacteria, fungus, mold, and viruses is something we'll talk about a little bit differently because it's a different mechanism of action. But we can go right back to the periodic table of elements. And when we think about, you know, we're talking about heavy metals and that kind of stuff. And one thing that people will refer to is if they wear silver jewelry, for instance, they'll get that green tinge around their finger or around their neck where they wear
jewelry. The thing to know on that is it's actually not the silver that somebody's having reaction to. It's the other metals that are within that jewelry because that silver jewelry may be only 40 or 50 % silver and then have other compounds in it that are actually causing that discoloration of the skin. But these are the things that people don't get educated on, right? And the unfortunate thing is, and I'm going to say this as my personal
side of things to keep us safe is silver is one of the most heavily demonized substances for people to use in health because it's so dang effective. And if we look at the, you know, the other side of the equation, we've got the natural space and we've got the non-natural space, right? The non-natural space absolutely hates silver, but they control the biggest lobbying groups in
Washington, they control that whole empire of, I'm to say, wellness. So as soon as we see something that is a competitor to them, they're going to demonize and scare people from taking it. But if we, if we look at the science and we look at the truth and we look at the facts about silver, people are actually quite surprised. And as you know, from, from your clients that have used it, that have come in a little bit fearful, and then they're like, my goodness, like,
This has helped fix XYZ concerns. The stories are unreal. The hard thing is just getting over that perception of the negative information that's put out there to scare people.
Juniper (14:23)
Well, you really have to, and you have to dig deep because it's really unfortunate. And I don't know if I'm sure that you see this too, but it's really hard to find scientific findings or research articles on the positive effects of silver because of this very same reason, right? Like this is a very effective competitor to big pharma. And unfortunately,
They have money and enough control that as soon as a pro-silver article is published, it gets taken down.
And so if you, mean, I was like this when my second child, when he was born and he had a whole slew of symptoms, eczema, digestive issues, sleep, his whole body was, was really struggling. And, know, it took us two and a half years, but we finally went to a naturopath who taught us that he had a really severe gut imbalance. He had way too much Candida in his gut. And he's the one who introduced me to silver and it was,
that time, I mean, I was terrified because when I Googled, should I be giving my child silver? It was pages and pages of why it is so dangerous and it's so bad. And it took me digging really, really deep to come to a place where I trusted my naturopath enough to give my child silver. So I have a lot of understanding and compassion for...
the women in my community who come with these concerns because I had these same concerns myself and it took me having to dig really, really, really deep.
to come to a place of confidence and trusting what makes sense intuitively versus this picture that Western medicine has drawn about silver. something that you said just for any listeners, know, when Doug said, I'm gonna say this personally to keep us safe in a natural health space, you have to be very careful about the words that you use.
for the exact reason that we're having this conversation because this is not a message that is profitable to our Western medicine world.
my dream of having this conversation with you is to help answer these questions and to help bring peace of mind to so many people so they don't have to dig so deep. So thank you for that. And something else about, you know, when I get the heavy metal question is it's kind of, there's kind of this irony because zeolites are really big thing also in the natural health community.
to help detox heavy metals. But the irony in that for me is zeolites are high in aluminum. And so when people come to me and ask, you know, what are your thoughts on heavy metals? I'm trying to detox heavy metals. Isn't silver a heavy metal? Am I going to have to detox from this silver?
Can we just talk? we just we if if I forwarded you that question, how would you answer that? I just want people to hear that from your perspective.
Doug (17:49)
So what I'm gonna do is talk about the only cleanse silver in regards to the answer of this question. Because when we look at the, what we were talking about earlier with different forms of silvers and whole main silvers and that kind of thing, and those particular building up in the body, right? So it's hard, it's like anything when we look at supplements or anything, there's good, better, best, right? And so...
when we look at inferior forms of silver, those concerns are correct, right? It can build up in the body. It's too big. It's too big for the body to process. And also because it's a low energetic frequency, it's running itself out of energy, energy by the time it hits the digestive system. So, you know, that's where we see, and people make these references of like your silver is a 30 part per million silver, right?
and some silvers on the market are 300, 500, 700 part per million. And people will say, well, how come yours is only 30 and mine 700 and you know, mine must be better. Well, it's not, it's not the case. It's not the truth. It's all about the efficiency of being able to do what it does. And you don't need a lot of silver to be highly effective. So in regards to your cleanse silver, once again, we've got this down to under 10
nanometers in size and we've got spectrum analysis reports measuring it to make sure there's no clusters, no clumps, no large particles or anything. That and then plus it being embedded into the water molecule circulating through the body, everything has shown over 20 years that we get that silver out of the body in approximately 12 hours. And the other side of it is I would say we've probably halt.
100 to 200,000 people with different health concerns with silver and not one, not ever even one remote concern of somebody turning blue or having a negative effect to the product whatsoever. The only concern we will get from time to time is some Hertzheimer effect because silver is very effective, especially when we're getting into yeast and we all know anybody that's had, you know, yeast concerns.
know that yeast is a bugger on the body when it starts dying. It makes you feel bad. It makes you feel tired. It gives you flu like symptoms. So when I get people that reach out and say, I started taking the silver. Uh I feel crappy. I've got no energy. In some cases, we'll see people that will actually get like an acne or a rash from taking it and they're like, oh my goodness, I'm having this negative effect. I'm like, no, this is great. Like, it's
it's working and it's
that's what we see is the yeast trying to escape the body, getting trapped in the skin and causing a little rash for a couple of days. It's not the body having a nefarious reaction. It's what's happening in the body as a part of the healing process. And 100 % of the time,
When I've had this conversation with people, it does go away in a few days. They notice they start to get a lot better mental clarity. Their energy starts to rebound and they're like, my goodness, like I feel so good. And you know, the yeast is going away. We spent two years touring and speaking at women's wellness clinics a few years ago. And in regards to the female part of the body, that is a very,
Can we talk about these sort of subjects? Okay, cool. So as a male, right, going in and speaking to large audiences of females that I have heard every single vaginal story that you can hear as a guy. So I don't turn red by it anymore. It's I've heard it all, And I hope this speaks to somebody that's out there listening.
Juniper (21:29)
yeah, vagina, it's all over. Yeah.
Doug (21:53)
is when I hear of marriages breaking down, when I hear of women that are trapped in their body due to yeast and concerns happening in that part of the body, completely disempowered and have tried everything that, you know, the natural space can offer them as well as anything that the pharmaceutical system can throw at them. And they're just stuck because they've got this pH battle going highly positive, highly negative. How do I regulate this and get myself back to normal?
And using the silver gel, using the silver liquid, you know, can douche with that. The there's no better feeling than when talking to like I say from a guy talking to a woman that is going through this absolute tragedy and in a week or two later, she phones me and she's like, Doug, I just had sex with my husband for the first time in three years,
And I can just go on and on with stories about this and just seeing that transformation and change and women being able to get their body back.
Juniper (22:58)
Well, this
is why you and I are here is because.
I mean, I saw my son heal after two and half years of suffering. I have now had the absolute honor of supporting thousands and thousands of women and children and healing in this exact same way. And this is an easy work. And you and I are really putting ourselves out there to share this message. And it's worth it because sharing that healing and then receiving that feed
I mean, you we are all born with a purpose and this is part of ours. Yeah.
Doug (23:38)
Totally. Well,
and if we look at like, why does silver work? What does it do? Why is it giving people, you know, the second chance and in these healings is silver naturally combats or let's say cleanses yeast, bacteria, fungus and mold, right? So when we look at what are the predominant issues that are causing people to be unwell, right?
It's one of those. And the unfortunate thing that we run into in this day and age is people live to their label. And what I mean by that is they go to the doctor and the nurse spends 15 minutes with them, taking some blood and doing some tests with them. Then they get five minutes with the doctor and the doctor says, you've got such and such a condition, writes a prescription, sends you home and that's your new label, whatever it is, right?
And people live to that and they'll say, okay, well, I got fibromyalgia. I got this or I got that or whatever that's been deemed on me. But nobody ever goes home and says, okay, I just went to the doc. They gave me this label. What's causing it? Right. Because the doctor is never going to tell you.
Juniper (24:49)
Why doesn't, why isn't it just common practice that the doctor says, okay, let's look deeper. What is causing this? Like that's where the foundation of healing should be is when you are given that diagnosis, it should be dissected right there. Okay, let's go deeper. What's behind this? Why do you have it?
Doug (25:09)
Right, right. we know what's causing it, right? It's the food and it's the chemicals. But we'll spin around to this in a second. So somebody comes home, they can see they've got that diagnosis, they don't answer the questions, nine times out of 10, they go to the pharmacy, they get a prescription and they're only gonna make the problem worse. And then they're gonna say, okay, well, this prescription made this worse and now I need to get another prescription for that.
Juniper (25:19)
Doug (25:36)
And, and, you know, we talked about the heavy metals and we talked about sort of the perceived side effects of this and people will get to be afraid of it and say, well, I'm not going to take it, but they'll run to the pharmacy and take the drugs. Right. And you just have to watch a TV commercial to see the nefarious side effects to everything that they're taking. So when we look at healing the body and we look at our bodies and we look at what's making us sick, right. And let's just go to.
We can talk about like divine creation or however we think that our bodies came into existence, right? And people can believe whatever and however they want on that. But let's just take an organic approach to that for a second to realize that our bodies or an organic being with an earth that supplies wellness. The number one problem that we do to this body is we put substances into this body that were never made to
work with the body. And we see that in the chemicalization of our foods. We see that in the chemicalization of our household cleaning products. We see that in our personal care products, but we bombard our bodies with products or substances that it was never developed to be able to use. And that's why we're seeing this massive decline in health, right? So as to what you're doing, you know, with, with On The Organics and what we're doing in producing the product,
is saying we can, the silver isn't the healing, treating, curing product, right? The body's the healing, treating, curing machine. What the silver does, just like other forms of absolute bare nutrition, vitamins, herbs, botanicals, is it's giving the body what the body needs to heal itself, right? And that used to come from our foods, but it no longer does. So when people look at a product,
you the most important thing that they can look at is the supplement facts panel, right? That's going to be the first place to tell if a company cares about you or not, Because if a product is made with all sorts of nefarious ingredients and ingredients that you can't pronounce or understand, well, those are all chemicals. Those are all laboratory created substances that are going to further making you sick and not complementing your healing journey.
So what I like about what you're doing with all of your products is you're paying so close attention to every single thing that goes into your products to assist in the body to be able to heal itself. And silver is just one piece of that puzzle, right? Because if silver is not going to deliver, know, vitamins, minerals, and herbs to the restorative process of the body, it's going to cleanse the yeast, bacteria, fungus, mold, and viruses out of the body.
so that we can get the body, let's say to ground zero or to a neutral state that we can start building it back. But if we can eradicate the body, like I say, of these pathogens, of these yeasties, these bacterias, then the digestive system starts to function properly. The leaky gut syndrome that probably 90 % of the people are suffering from starts to stitch back the walls of the stomach so we can stop those toxins from leaching out of the stomach and distributing themselves throughout the body.
So there's so many things that we can do is if we just start to go through course correction.
Juniper (29:01)
love that. And that is the reason I named my business only organics because it only contains the ingredients that we need. And so I appreciate you touching on that. And I love this perspective of, your body is the machine. The silver is just here
to help your body function optimally. so to circle back really quickly for the heavy metals. So we talked about the periodic table. Now I just want a very clear answer for listeners. Silver is not considered a heavy metal in our body like mercury, for example, because our bodies process it differently. Is that right?
Doug (29:47)
Correct. And silver in the way that we construct it actually doesn't put any workload on the immune system. It's not metabolized, I guess is the best way to say it. So what you're talking about there in regards to mercury or these other substances requires an action of the body to break it down, to metabolize it. Silver bypasses the digestive system and it bypasses the immune system. So when we've got a really, really sick gut.
right? And we've got a really bad microbiome. If we introduce probiotics, if we introduce lots of different forms of supplementation, then the digestive system needs to break those down. And this is where you see those pictures of outhouses after a rock concert or something like that. And they're all full of different pills and that kind of thing that the body hasn't broken down. So you've got to look at your digestive system for a second is a bit of a battlefield. You've got, you know, this good biome versus this bad biome, you know,
warring with each other. So when our body is sick and tired and we introduce a whole bunch of supplementation to it, the digestive system kind of looks at it and says, I got no extra workload to break this down and use it. So I'm just gonna push it through the waste system. And that's where so many people are wasting money on supplements just going down the toilet. Silver is completely different where it's like,
It doesn't need any help from the digestive system or the, you know, the probiotic bacteria in the, the digestive system to break it down. It's instantly going to work to help the good biome in the digestive system to combat that bacteria and, those pathogens in the digestive system. It also doesn't command a function of the immune system to be able to be put into work. So it's instant action, let's say.
So this is where people will see relief very quickly with this and it's not being broken down. So when we talk about these other heavy metals, silver is in its own classification outside of that and it's not a heavy metal that's going to build up in the body over time, providing it's produced correctly.
Juniper (32:03)
Okay, and then now, then we also talked about how it's going to kill yeast, bad bacteria, fungus, mold. Can we just talk about how this actually, like what is happening inside our bodies? How is the silver working? We talked about it earlier, how silver is missing an electron and that has something to do with this process. But can we kind of paint that picture so people can really visualize what the silver is doing in their body?
Doug (32:32)
Totally. So when we look at, I'm gonna say different vitamins, mineral herbs that are anti-microbials or antibacterials, okay? When they're ingested into the body, they are commanding a function of the digestive system to break that down to release its contents, right? Silver is different in the fact it's missing this electron. So what it's doing is it's constantly pausing and giving.
electrons recharging itself. So when we look at a bad bacteria, we look at a yeast, we look at a mold. What they are is they're all living organisms to start with, right? What silver is doing is silver stealing its electrical charge, causing it to rupture. So rather than having to burrow in from the outside and tear apart that bacteria, we're hitting it at its energetic core or its energetic nucleus, causing it to rupture. And then the immune system cleans that up.
So when we look at, you know, the big scary thing out there right now is this antibiotic resistant bacteria that the medical system has given up hope on is silver is able to actually address that antibiotic resistant bacteria in the same principle it is against the pathogenic bacteria by causing it to rupture at a cellular core, stealing that cellular membrane out of those.
When we look at viruses, for instance, viruses are different than the yeast, a bacteria, fungus, and a mold. Viruses are an incomplete DNA molecule circulating through the body, looking through an energy source, predominantly finding what white blood cell, which is the most energetic property in the body until silver is introduced. So studies have shown that when silver is introduced from a viral outbreak, then the silver becomes actually the most energetic.
property in the body and the viral molecules will attach themselves to the silver molecule and ride them out through the waste system. Or in fact, we get a viral outbreak, silver joins forces with the immune system to help mop up the mess that's making us sick.
Juniper (34:38)
Wow, that's amazing. I did not know that about how it works with viruses. So that's really cool to hear that.
Doug (34:39)
That's a lot.
Yeah, I
stay away from talking about viruses just due to the last four years. But if we look at a mechanism of mechanism of action that there is published information on this. So it's not just me talking about what I think, but you know, people can go to PubMed and National Institute Health and find this information that's published on there. That's just like the quick Coles notes version of how it works.
Juniper (35:11)
So another question that I get really frequently and another really big misconception is that silver works like antibiotics. It's going to destroy your good microbiome along with the bad. So can we touch on that?
Doug (35:25)
Yeah, so our good given, or I call it our God given natural bacteria excretes what's called a lipid fat milk barrier around itself. So when we look at pathogenic bacteria or antibiotic resistant bacteria, it's basically evolved itself to a place where it's got a hard shell around it. Almost like think of a candy coated shell with the chocolate inside. so this is where we talk about antibiotic resistant bacteria.
is the antibiotics are no longer able to penetrate through that hard shell of the antibiotic resistant bacteria. So since we're stealing the electron from that, we don't have to try and break through the shell. We can go straight to the cellular core. In regards to our good bacteria that's natural within the body, it excretes the salipid-fat milk barrier to surround itself.
What we've done particularly with our silver that we create for you is we haven't charged it to an energetic frequency that can break through that lipid fat milk barrier. So we essentially repel it. So we're not harming the natural gut microbiome with this, but going after the foreign invaders.
Juniper (36:32)
Okay, which brings us to the next really good point to talk about is what differentiates?
cleanse. There are so many different kinds of silvers. So maybe we can list those silvers, colloidal, nano, there's so many different kinds of silver. And so why is it important to use a silver like cleanse that is alkaline and pH and charged at a specific frequency over these other ones and how are they created? What's the difference? So because I'm imagining, you know, as you're
Speaking to what makes cleanse different and why it doesn't harm the microbiome, are other silvers going to harm the microbiome?
Doug (37:32)
It depends on the silver, it's depending how it's made, it's depending on the particle size, it's depending on the frequency. So the one thing that I will say is if somebody was to go into a health food store, because I know the manufacturers of all the different silver products on the market, If somebody's going into a health food store and sees one of the silver products on the shelf,
I'm going to say with good conviction that those products are going to be safe. Okay. My biggest concern is when we talk about silver is these cheap 20 and $30 generator silvers that people make at home that settle the silver to the bottom of the jar in big particles, right? What makes if, so if we're in the health food store and we've got cleanse and the other silver,
products on the market. And we're talking about like nano silver, structured silver, all of these kinds of things. Because this this can rates confusion in the marketplace as well. So when we when we think of a nano silver, nano silver is a definition of particle size. It's nothing to do with the nano bots and the nano technology that's in the things that people put in their arms. And everybody got afraid of the word nano over the last couple years. When we when we speak to nano in regards to silver,
it's particle size. What makes your cleanse different than the other silvers on the market is one, it's an alkaline, it's not an acid. Okay. So what that means is an alkaline is going to be embraced by the immune system, not rejected. It's going to be if when we look at people that are going through cancer treatment, the first thing the doctors want to do is get the body into an alkaline state, yeast and bacteria, fungus mold can't flourish in an alkaline state, right?
So that's why we do the silver in an alkaline state so that it's going to be embraced by the body.
Juniper (39:32)
Because silver
naturally is very acidic. when you're making just a, like if there's just a colloidal silver, so that's the silver just suspended in purified water, that end product is very acidic. Okay.
Doug (39:44)
going to be an acid. Yeah,
which means it's hard on the immune system. So, but that's in regards to the ingestible cleanse is a pH balanced alkaline. Okay. On the silver gel is actually slightly acidic because the natural biome of our skin is acidic. So we don't want to have a full alkaline on the skin. We want to have a slightly acidic. So just a note on that for you for when
Juniper (39:57)
That's really interesting.
I actually did not know that the pH is different in the gel than in the liquid.
Doug (40:18)
It is, because we want to make sure that we're formulating these products to complement the biome of the environment that they're being introduced to. Right. So the skin slightly acidic, the interior or taking it ingesting is, going to be an alkaline.
Juniper (40:35)
Okay, and so while we're, I'm gonna take a little tangent here, but the gel is really amazing for vaginal healing, right? the topical area of the vagina. But if you're going internally, you wanna use the liquid.
Doug (40:50)
Yeah, I would use the liquid and you can douche with the liquid or you can spray it all over that area is the best way to cleanse that and people a lot of people do silver enemas as well
Juniper (41:05)
actually not considered that.
Doug (41:07)
Yeah, so that's just something to think about as well. Because the thing to think about, and this just goes right back to what we were talking a little while ago, is if we know that the concerns that people are facing are yeast, bacteria, fungus, right? What we wanna do is we wanna get silver introduced to the area that's affected by that, because we know with indirect contact, we're gonna help eliminate those within about two minutes.
So when we think about usage, whether it's the eyes, the ears, internal, oral, however we can get that introduced to the effective areas of the body, we know we're gonna have success with that.
Juniper (41:47)
Okay, so let's go back to we're looking at a lineup of silver. is there anything else that differentiates cleanse from other silvers that you would find at a health food store?
Doug (41:58)
Yeah. Yeah. So we're, back to energetic frequency, 910 terahearts. No other silver is being charged to that where the pH balanced alkaline, where the structured water as compared to a purified or a distilled water. And if we look at structured water, structured water is way more absorbent and we haven't demineralized the water like, like happens with the purified or distilled water. There's another silver company out there that claims that they have pharmaceutical grade water.
That's a bunch of BS. There's no such thing as pharmaceutical grade water. a lot of it's there. There's so much incorrect information that companies put out there to sell product and people buy into it. So if anybody ever sees pharmaceutical grade water, it's just a distilled water that they've a name to.
Juniper (42:32)
I was just going to ask, what is that?
Doug (42:50)
So if anybody wants to read into structured water and the benefits of structured water, they can read Roy Pollock's work. He's one of the leading experts on structured water and understanding that the whole profile of the water changes and not for the negative, but for the positive to be absorbed and delivered throughout the body and deliver frequency throughout the water. So we're alkaline, we're structured water, we're pH balanced. And then the last thing,
I'm going to say that makes a huge difference when we're talking about recharging itself is we're actually, when we look at a structured water molecule, imagine in your mind for a second, a tetrahedral shape or a kite. Just imagine a kite, for instance. And in that kite on each corner of the kite is an oxygen molecule. And within each of those oxygen molecules is embedded the silver molecule.
So what that does is it creates a catalytic firing action because we've got four silver particles per water molecule that create this catalytic firing action cross, cross up and down, which are continually recharging itself, meaning that it's going to be as active as it exits the body as it is when it enters the body. So we were talking earlier about these different collodial silvers and these silvers that are 300, 500 parts per million.
Well, they're a one-to-one kill rate because they don't have that recharging property built within how we've structured that within the water. So that's where they need to have a huge parts per million of silver so that it can have that effectiveness longer in the body. So what we've been able to demonstrate with this silver is like I say, we're just as effective going into the body to 30 part per million as we are coming out, you know, 10 to 12 hours later. So that's.
10 to 12 hours of that silver molecule circulating throughout the body, wiping out millions and millions of bad bacteria, it's time in the body, right? And that's why we wanna take it twice a day as well. So we keep that 24 hour cycle going. And when I'm saying millions and millions of bacteria, you know, get ruptured, somebody say, that, you know, within a couple hours, I don't have any more bad stuff anymore. Well,
Just to put it into perspective, there's more bad bacteria in your mouth right now than there is people on the planet. So when we think about the amount of overload that we have in the body, yeah, this is making a great difference and we wanna do it and we wanna get in control of it, but we do have billions and billions of bad bacterias and yeast and viruses circulating through our body at any given time.
Juniper (45:31)
Okay, so you kind of blew my mind with something that you said that I do not realize that it's the same 30 parts per million when we eliminate it and we eliminate it through our urine, correct?
I'll just share this story really quickly. My donkey, he, he's really old. We adopted him a year ago and his, one of his hooves is kind of, it's collapsed a little bit. And so he will get infections in his hoof. And so I went out one night and I had a bowl, I had a bowl of cleanse mixed with some oats and had another bowl of cleanse with mixed with some Epsom salts and I soaked his foot in the Epsom salt.
cleanse bowl and then I just let him he just like slurped up these oats and the next morning he was just walking so beautiful and I mean it healed him so quickly and so when you're saying that you know we're eliminating the same 30 parts per million I'm just picturing the size of his pee out there and how healthy their corral area is
Doug (46:40)
that's a good way to look at it. You know, and we can give this to our animals just like we do ourselves, right? So, you know, if we look at, you know, if you think about the amount of customers or clients that you have that suffer from urinary tract infections, The best way to combat an urinary tract infection with the cleanse is actually taking a quarter of the bottle first thing in the morning and then two tables.
Juniper (47:08)
Wow, really?
Doug (47:09)
Yep, two tablespoons every hour for every hour for about eight hours after that. So you're gonna need a couple bottles because what we want to do is we want to completely fill up the fill up the bladder and then keep that bladder saturated for about two days because you know yeast infections can be constantly reoccurring but I've seen so much success with women and urinary tract infections following that serving.
Juniper (47:22)
The bladder with...
Doug (47:39)
regimen for a couple days that they're like, I've suffered from this from years, it's gone. So keep that in mind as well.
Juniper (47:47)
Wow, I will put that, have a course that I give to people who get my women's and children's gut rebalance kit, so I'm gonna share that in there. Because especially like reoccurring UTIs, that is a huge, huge, you know, and then there of course they go to the doctor and they're prescribed rounds and rounds and rounds of antibiotics, which are of course.
Doug (47:55)
Okay, perfect.
Juniper (48:10)
exacerbating the root problem. So that's wonderful. Okay, so I want to talk about the frequency of the silver. So I just want to have, I love having just like a very clear visual of what this means. So how is it, how do you make it
at this frequency, what happens in that process. And then after that, I'm going to forget to ask this question. So I want to ask right now is I get asked a lot. What is the pH buffer system? What is that? So, and I think they, you you kind of talk about it hand in hand.
Doug (48:49)
Yeah, it's a sodium inoculate. It's almost, it's like a derivative of baking soda, but a natural occurring that helps balance the pH to stabilize it.
Juniper (49:01)
Okay, because there's a lot in the natural world they're talking about if you have anything that is that is alkaline without you doing it right here, it's bottled. There's it's there's bad chemicals involved. And so I just want you know, from you as the manufacturer, I just want to share that information that is basically like a sodium bicarbonate.
Doug (49:27)
Yeah, yeah, and it's natural. Like we won't put any unnatural or laboratory derived ingredients in anything.
Juniper (49:36)
So I think biggest takeaway from this conversation is that
I am here to partner and create the absolute best of the best and every product at Only has been very intentionally created and cleanse is no different and so every single part of cleanse, how it is manufactured to how it's bottled is
by design and very intentional.
Are there any other myths or misconceptions around silver that we haven't talked about that come to mind for you?
Doug (50:19)
I think we covered the bulk of that, myths and misconceptions. The biggest thing is for people to be able to choose the right one and then trust. And like I say, there isn't a more, there isn't a higher advanced silver on the market than the one that you were delivering.
I think you had a bunch of questions written down too, that you had from some of your.
Juniper (50:50)
Yes, so I
shared on my Instagram stories this morning that we were going to be having this conversation and I asked if they had any questions they wanted me to ask you. So I'm gonna go onto Instagram right now and I'm just gonna read these questions from the bottom to the top.
So, okay, the first question we have here is can you take it for too long and will it always have the same power to help your body?
Doug (51:21)
we've got people that have been taking it for 10 plus years with no concern whatsoever. Will it lessen its effectiveness? No, because when we look at what silver is doing is it's naturally cleansing yeast, bacteria, fungus and mold, right? So our body is being assaulted with new pathogens and new foreign invaders every day.
So in my opinion, this is one of the best immune support products that people can take day in and day out for a long period of time.
Juniper (51:58)
I want to add to this, so when I healed my son, I saw the power of silver heal his body. I thought we would be done.
his symptoms would kind of creep back in here and there. And it took me time to get to a place of having confidence in the silver to incorporate it in my family. And once I got to this place, once I had learned enough and once I really trusted the product, we started taking it every single day and we don't get sick. Like if we are exposed to any type of illness, we may get tired for a couple of days, but we do not experience that same like bedridden sickness that we used
to. We have taken it every single day for years and years and years now. And I have zero concern because I absolutely 100 % trust this product, which is why I sought you out and I partnered with you is because I wanted a product from my family that I could trust and that I know all the ins and outs about this product.
And sharing it is really just an extension of what I created for my own family to use. So I just want to add that with that question. Okay, the next one, how do I talk to my traditional doctor and tell them I'm taking a liquid silver supplement without getting judgment?
Doug (53:23)
You won't. Like the unfortunate thing is, is a traditional MD medical doctor, right? Isn't legally allowed to talk about any kind of health products that aren't in the Merrick manual, aren't in the physician's desktop manual. So he doesn't know anything about it. He hasn't done any research on it. He can't under his license as a medical doctor.
say, yeah, take it or don't take it. He's predominantly gonna say don't take it because you know, a doctor unfortunately is a product of the pharmaceutical system. There are some good doctors out there that'll say, yeah, you you gotta do everything you've gotta do to help yourself. But the unfortunate thing is you see a traditional medical doctor will frown upon it. You know, and we've had cases where
you know, we've got families of younger and older generation people that have been in the hospital.
the hospital system and the medical system has thrown up their arms in the air and said, there's nothing we can do for this person from, you know, lots of different things that they're suffering from. And, you know, they've come to their end. I've had family members that sneak silver in and put it in the water of the people in the hospital, but we've walked a lot of people out of the hospital that a lot of, you know, systems have given up on, right? So, sorry, the short answer to what your customer is asking there.
is an MD is not going to give you a clear thumbs up to date this. It's just the way the system is. It's nothing about the product. It's just what he's allowed to do within his licensing.
Juniper (55:10)
I know.
to that too, that in my experience and now I'm supporting so many other women is there are a lot of even, you know, more naturopathic providers who just haven't been educated on silver. And so a lot of naturopaths will say yes, I mean, that's where I was introduced. But a lot of them will say no, a lot of midwives are very passionate about silver, you know, my my midwife carries it in her office. A lot of
midwives will say no that is so dangerous and so if you're running into somebody who is saying that it's dangerous they're likely just not educated they don't know about silver enough to speak to it
Doug (55:55)
Well, and we've seen, I attend the naturopathic doctor conference every year in Las Vegas. And I've spoken at it a number of times as well. And I've seen a real shift over the last few years, especially with the new naturopathic doctors coming into practice versus the old school. The old school was a hundred percent, yeah, we're all over this.
The problem is, is a lot of these new naturopathic schools or online schools, they're a quick turnaround time. They don't tear into this a lot. And we've got a number of naturopathic schools that we work with and as a part of their protocol, let's say, in development of these young doctors. But it all depends on where they're getting their education from. But I also find, and this is a sad thing,
is, but you know, at end of the day, you're a supplement brand owner with the only organics brand, right? Is so much of the natural product market is driven now by influencers and social media, not driven by science. And that's really crept into the natural pathic philosophy and training, let's say.
Whereas they're coming out looking for Shilajit. They're coming out looking for all of these trending supplements. And if we wanna talk about heavy metals, look at a lab report on Shilajit. It'll scare the daylights out of you. Like it's crazy how actual bad a lot of Shilajits on the market are. So I find...
that the naturopathic system is so much chasing trends right now than actually chasing pure science to heal.
Juniper (57:49)
Well, I see that so much too. will get, you know, an influencer will post something negative about silver and I'll have a hundred women forward it to me and say, what are your thoughts on this? This terrifies me. And what I respond is that,
when there is fear around silver, it means that you just don't quite know enough. so hopefully this conversation helps fill that gap for many people because it's misinformation and being uneducated that leads to this fear. And then that fear, I mean, it's really wild how influential influencer marketing actually is. It is the most...
powerful marketing that has ever existed because
These are relatable people. These are people that we feel like we might be best friends with. And what they say means so much to us. And the truth though is that not everybody can be an expert in everything. And a lot of these companies, they're paying influencers a lot of money to promote different products. And...
not that that is necessarily bad, but it creates these trends that aren't based on science and history, but on what's happening right now and what big company is paying a lot of money.
Doug (59:22)
Well, they're either paying a lot of money or that influencer is an affiliate for another company. And it's like, they play that all demonize this to promote that kind of thing. So they'll say, you know, don't take silver, take this other thing. It's better. And the unfortunate thing is 99 % of the influencers out there aren't doing any kind of research in anything that they're promoting whatsoever. They're strictly doing it for the money. And that's, and there's this, there's a small amount out there.
Juniper (59:32)
Doug (59:51)
But I mean, I've worked with some of the biggest name biohackers on the planet that everybody knows. And you'd be shocked in the amount of research that they don't even do about the things that they promote. So, you know, we really, we really have to look at what's being said out there and then even the decisions that we make within our own wellness.
And I find so often nowadays that people aren't making the same common sense approaches to looking at things as they did in the past because social media has created this environment that I need an answer in 30 seconds or I'm moving on. Right. So when we look at creating content and you even look at the content and the reels that you create for your audience to watch, people just get a lesser and lesser and lesser.
span of what they're going to dedicate to listening or something. So even when they come into researching, what product should I take? What product shouldn't I take? So often than not, it's the last reel they've seen. And they said, so and so said, this is good. I'm going to take it without taking some time to say, well, do I need it? Should I take it? And is this the right thing for me to take?
Juniper (1:01:12)
Absolutely. Okay, the next question here is how is cleanse and relieve different from other detox protocols like TRS zeolites?
Doug (1:01:25)
So zeolite's a binder, cleanse isn't a binder, right? So zeolite, just like the humic, right? So the humic contains, is a foundational property of zeolite. So the humic is a binder, it's gonna help pull those heavy metals and those toxins from the cells. So look at it, it's almost rather than silver being a replacement of one of those, look at it as a two-step scenario. Silver's gonna come in,
cleanse the yeast, bacteria, fungus, mold and viruses. And then the humic or the zeolite is going to come in and pull those toxins and get them out of the body. So I wouldn't look at him as an either or I'd look at him as a one plus two.
Juniper (1:02:07)
Okay, and I have not launched my product, my humic yet, but it is coming soon. Yes, thank you. I wanted to do that in this episode. Okay, so the next one, where did the narrative that silver isn't safe come from? We've kind of touched on that here a lot, but.
Doug (1:02:12)
It's It's coming. That's why I mentioned it.
So it goes back to the 1930s with the Flexner report. We could spend two hours talking about this where the Rockefellers bought up the pharmaceutical system and demonized everything that didn't have a patent around it. But that's where it initially started. And then if we really want to tear into the Blue Man scenario for a second, which really launched the fear of silver. So the Blue Man's name's Paul. He was...
He was a product of the pharmaceutical system. I'll say that right there. People can research and read the story on this, but he wasn't even making a colonial silver. He was taking silver coins, putting them into five gallon pails with water and nitric oxide to break down the silver. So he was taking an impure silver because a silver coin isn't a 99.99%. So he was taking a, you know, a less effective silver, right?
and using nitric oxide and other detergents to break down those silver coins. And he was drinking gallons of it a day. So he had no choice but to turn blue. Like it was gonna happen, but he was taking such an inferior product. So Oprah Winfrey put him on a show, Big Pharma spent millions of dollars promoting that to demonize silver. So we're not even talking about, when I was talking earlier about
the silvers that I don't like that are made in these cheap home made systems, he was taking an even lesser inferior silver than that. And that's unfortunately what caused the news media and has filled up people's minds for years since that, that silver is dangerous.
Juniper (1:04:13)
Wow, I didn't I thought that he just had like a home machine. didn't know
Doug (1:04:18)
no, he was making it in the absolute worst way. Like nobody in their right mind would drink.
Juniper (1:04:26)
Yeah, let alone, I mean, I wouldn't drink gallons of anything a day.
Doug (1:04:30)
Exactly, exactly. So that is the true documented story about that and the blue man and everything else.
Juniper (1:04:40)
Okay, the next question, are there resources or studies we can turn to when people question the safety of silver?
Doug (1:04:47)
Yeah, PubMed, Natural Institute of Health are the two best ones that have over 5,000 peer-reviewed research papers on the effectiveness of silver with so many different concerns.
Juniper (1:04:58)
Okay. Are there any differences between OnlySilver and other brands? We've touched on that. I think we've answered that question throughout the episode, but it-
Doug (1:05:07)
Yeah, it's balanced
alkaline structured, 910 here, terahertz, reoccurring recharging of the molecule is the main ones.
Juniper (1:05:21)
Can you talk about using cleanse in pregnancy?
Doug (1:05:27)
Yep. Yep. Back to the point that it doesn't metabolize in the body is, and I'm going to preface this and I, I, and it's kind of a bad preface, but as per FDA guidelines, always consult your physician before taking anything. Right. But we've seen countless moms use silver during pregnancy without ever a concern.
But I'll just always preface it with the consultant physician first.
Juniper (1:05:59)
Well, and I like to talk about, know, because I get this question, you know, I'm scared to tell my physician that I'm using this. And my response is it might be a really good opportunity to find a healthcare provider that is in alignment with you.
because there are many out there who, know, my naturopath introduced me to silver. I was pregnant with my third child and I took it to my midwife and I said, my naturopath wants me to take this. And she's like, look, I give it to moms all the time. Like I have it right here on my shelf. And so they do exist. And when we find ourselves in a space where we are scared to share what's working for us, I see it as a really good invitation to maybe put ourselves in a different
environment where we feel in alignment.
Doug (1:06:47)
Well, and
the best, your best doctor that you're ever gonna see is looking at you in the mirror.
Juniper (1:06:56)
Exactly. You know you best and so you and this is the other part is you know I get the question a lot is it safe during pregnancy and I understand that we have all been conditioned to believe that doing anything different in pregnancy is really risky and really dangerous but
Doug (1:06:57)
Right? Right.
Juniper (1:07:13)
the question to me should actually be the opposite. It should be, are the risks of not cleansing this out of my body during pregnancy?
Doug (1:07:23)
Well, and you can bring that back to a question to somebody too, and just say, have you ever heard of or read any reports of somebody having a negative or nefarious response to something 100 % natural?
Juniper (1:07:42)
Doug (1:07:43)
right? And and just just
stew on that for a second, right? If if we take the properties and compounds of the earth in their absolute raw stage as they are meant to be harvested or delivered to the body, do we see side effects of that? And and I'm just and I'm going to say no, right? So when we look at the cleanse silver, for instance, it falls right within that discussion where it's 100 %
Juniper (1:08:02)
Mm, that's
Doug (1:08:12)
natural product being delivered to the body as it's intended to be delivered. And that's where I can say over 20 years we've never seen any side effects or any nefarious responses to that because we haven't done anything to adulterate it to make it not recognized by the body.
So just for anybody listening, just stew on that for a second. And it's a lot more to think about than just those few words that I said.
Juniper (1:08:41)
Okay, can you talk about early postpartum and taking it while breastfeeding?
Doug (1:08:46)
Breastfeeding, people will use it and I've got lots of nursing moms. I just had a new granddaughter that's gonna be a year in a couple of weeks. so, when she was born, she had a few different little skin conditions in her young age. The silver gel is killer for diaper rash. I'll tell you that right now. Yeah. And if baby has like...
Juniper (1:09:05)
It's so good,
Doug (1:09:10)
babies and they get their sharp little fingernails and they start clawing themselves and doing all that kind of stuff. Great to use the silver gel for that. But I even was actually for my daughter-in-law and son-in-law putting the silver liquid mixed in with the breast milk as she was bottle feeding and that stuff too to help her little immune system.
Because the immune system and the development of the immune system at kids, know, up until the age of five years old, we want to do everything we can to help support that immune system. And depending on where people are at, you know, as far as the different immunizations and stuff that they're giving to kids, I think anything that we can do to help support the immune system, whether people are pro that or against it, that's not the argument of this discussion.
but to really just make sure that we're giving these young kids, babies in their early development as much immunosupport as we can because that sets their digestive tone and their microbiome tone for the rest of their
Yeah, another good thing too is the gel on the nipples for breastfeeding moms because they get, you know, they get abused, right? And you know, they get raw, they get chomped on, you know, so that's a really good, just helping maintain the health of the nipple and helping the healing process. And you know,
Juniper (1:10:19)
And otherwise,
thrush, you know, a lot of babies will get thrush in their mouth and moms on their nipples and like the relief gel on the nipples so good.
Doug (1:10:40)
Yeah. And you know, I'll get the question all the time, as I'm sure that you do, will silver help with X and just put whatever condition you want on the end of that, that question, right? And the one thing that I'll say to people is, okay, well, what is X, right? Let's just do a little research. Is it a yeast, a bacteria, or virus? And then, you know, so I kind of help people answer their own question with that.
But then on the other thing is, is I know from doing this from so long and as we're talking about here is there's no negative responses to it. So if people say, can I try it for this? Can I try it for that? And I say, try it. Like it's the one thing that I do know is it's not going to hurt you. So let's give it a try. Let's see how it helps. Let's see if it works. And nine times out of 10, I'll get a call within a week or two saying, Hey, it really worked. And I'm like, yes. And I knew the answer to start with, but
Juniper (1:11:38)
for sure.
Doug (1:11:39)
I don't want to play the role of doctor and say, yeah, take this and fix that. That's not my place to do that. But I want to help encourage people to once again, be their own doctor.
Juniper (1:11:46)
Yes, to look inside and.
you know, think why am I reaching out to Juniper or Doug in the first place? Because I know that something isn't right. So is that is the inflammation? What is it stemming from? It's most likely a bacteria, a yeast, a pathogen, a fungus, a mold that is causing that problem from a foundational level. And so the answer, like you're saying, nine out of 10, maybe 10 out of 10 times, it's yes. And is it going to cure your body? Is it going to
cure all these things. Many of us have many layers of issues going on, but when we begin to eradicate the bad overgrowth in our bodies, we give our bodies the opportunity to heal. And so I'm never going to, I will never say I'm selling a cure here, but I am selling you a tool that will help your body function optimally.
Doug (1:12:48)
Totally. And we're only going to be as effective as the decisions that people want to make for themselves as well. So the one thing that I'll say to people is, know, where you're at as a result of things happening before your conversation with me and the products that we're able to deliver people will be helpful, right?
Juniper (1:13:00)
good way to say.
Doug (1:13:18)
but you've also got to turn off the tap of what's making you sick. And if you're drinking a bottle or half a bottle of red wine every night, you're eating a whole bunch of white bread and rice and all of these sugars and everything that are feeding the yeast. And I kind of get frustrated sometimes with people that are unwilling to make any change and then get pissed off at me because the products don't work. It's like, you know, we can only help so much.
And we can only do so much, whoever is going to make this change has to make that first step as well.
Juniper (1:13:55)
Yes, I appreciate that so much because I find myself also getting frustrated. You know, my baby has been struggling so bad. I will do anything. And then, you know, they, they get the children's gut rebalance kit and they start doing it. And then they reach out with questions. Like I'm not seeing the healing. And my response is, have you worked through the course that I gave you access to with this kid? Because the reason I give access to that course is to give guidance on the other parts
One we have to believe that we can heal if we are resisting it we don't believe that it's possible And we are questioning every step of it there's this internal battle happening in our bodies and We're gonna find what we're looking for and so if we're not if we're looking for the problems We will see more problems, but if we are looking to heal we can heal our bodies So that's one part and the second part is that you touch on is the food You know I give an outline of the recommended foods to avoid
These are the foods that feed the bad bacteria and yeast overgrowth and if you want to heal it's recommended that you avoid them and I Get frustrated when they come back and they're like there's no way we can do that I've given you everything like this is on you like
You don't have to do that, but I mean, you don't have to do anything, but you can choose what you're gonna tolerate. And are you going to tolerate being sick or are you gonna tolerate eliminating these foods that are feeding the overgrowth in your body?
Doug (1:15:31)
Yeah, and the unfortunate thing is, some people are just happy being stuck, if that makes sense. And the biggest thing that we can do is offer that encouragement, right? Because when you've dealt with people in every part of their healing regime, let's say, and I find sometimes it's
It's as much helping people find a way to get unstuck than it is the products because when you've been sick for years and it becomes a part of the psyche and and I've really seen this like with females and vaginal health and females and digestive health, right? They've been so long a an entrapment of where they're at today and
you know, there needs to be lots of change that happens. and and just encouraging people like just to make that first step and then that second step and in a lot of cases, healing isn't gonna happen in 30 days or 60 days. It's gonna be 3 months, 6 months, 9 months that is going to need to be dedicated to this because you know, when and that's another
problem that the internet and influencers have created is like take this and you'll be good in two weeks or take this and you'll be good in 30 days. Well, the one question I'll ask a lot of people is well how long did it take you to get as sick as you are? And in a lot of cases it's years, right? They'll be 40, 50 years old and this journey of the body eroding itself has taken, you know, 10, 20, 30 years, however long that's been.
Juniper (1:17:14)
Doug (1:17:27)
So to create an environment that yeah, in 30 days, you're going to have a new you. Well, the body just by function goes through a rebuilding process on a quarterly basis, right? And we need to get through a few body cycles to start to get healthy cells, start to retrain the body. Like it's, it's a process and I'll cheer people on as much as I can through this, but I can't control what they eat or how they live.
And but I'll cheer them on to say this is this is the best way that you should go with this if you're going to create that environment of healing for your body and and once again like our body is masterfully created to heal itself of so many of the things that are happening within it.
but the person needs to take that first step and want to break that cycle of where they're at. And just throwing supplements at it isn't going to fix the problem. You know, it can be used as a stepping stone of, I'm feeling better to make those next steps, but it's not real to think that you're just going to take a bunch of supplements and all your problems are going to
Juniper (1:18:40)
Yeah, I really I really love that and
That is exactly why I offer my supplements on subscription is to help make that part of the process easier because healing really is a commitment. It's, it's this healing here is not a quick fix because it's real. This is real healing that will transform your body and it's going to take time. And the other part that I want to touch on is Ty and I were just talking about this, that, you know, a lot of people, I think in general in life, they hold themselves
Doug (1:18:53)
Juniper (1:19:13)
back from making a decision because they're scared that they won't do it perfectly. So I have a friend who just said, you know, I have this asthma, the doctor wants to put me on steroids and it really doesn't feel right. And so, you know, I talked to her about rebalancing her gut and, know, using cleansing and nebulizer
And she's like, I've been wanting to talk to you for months about rebalancing, but I'm just afraid I don't eat as clean as you. And I'm afraid that it's just gonna make it useless. And so the part of that I wanna add right here is you don't have to go into this expecting yourself to be perfect. Perfectionism is a thief of your progress. And so...
Set that aside and just do your best. and you again, be your own best doctor. Try eliminating the foods that I recommend. Try not eliminating them. Try just doing the supplements and see what happens. See what your body needs, but don't hold yourself back because you're afraid that you're not going to be perfect at the food recommendations.
Doug (1:20:22)
No, we're gonna fail, we're gonna make mistakes. But you know, if we just think about it, every small decision that we make, makes a difference, right? Don't go after the huge big picture off the start and think that you're, you know, that you're gonna lose 50 pounds and be this model poster person. Just go after one small decision at a time. And eventually those small decisions start to compound amongst one another.
they start to create new habits and the new you comes out of that. But there is gonna be setbacks, there is gonna be challenges, there's gonna be days where you you scream and you shake your fists, but it's all part of the journey.
Juniper (1:21:07)
And I always like to talk about how healing, like, it's not the end result, it's the process. It's who you are being through this process. And when you are able to just settle your mind and let all those loud voices calm down and stop trying to control everything, you actually expand into someone.
that you would have never been if you had control over every step. And so when you can kind of surrender to the healing process, you will get there. You will heal. But the person that you are as a healed person is built on
all of the experiences that you've had along that journey. And so being able to recognize that and embrace yourself from day one to when you do finally feel amazing, I feel really helps change your experience in the healing process. Okay, I have a couple more questions here.
Doug (1:22:10)
Juniper (1:22:14)
So, okay, the healing method that I share with my rebalance kits, it's a certain dosage you do throughout the rebalance. And then I recommend maintenance dosing. My family does maintenance dosing. So this is, you know, for adults, it's two teaspoons of cleanse for children. It's one. And we do this daily. And so this question is in regard to this, if we do maintenance dosage, does the body become
resistant. So we touched on this a little bit ago and the answer was no, but can we answer it specifically for this question?
Doug (1:22:50)
Yeah, back to the body is constantly under attack from foreign invaders. So there's, new foreign invaders being introduced to the body every day. So if we want to keep the immune system functioning at its best, then taking this as a, as a daily immune support is highly recommended and the body will not build up a tolerance to it like it does with other things.
because once again, we're going after the electrical properties of these foreign invaders. So we're kind of constantly under war every day, but we're not building up a tolerance to it.
Juniper (1:23:29)
Okay, so can I ask you a personal question? Do you take it every day? Okay, I figured so.
Doug (1:23:36)
Twice a day.
Twice a day. I've got it on my desk and I've got it in my washroom. So I'll take it every morning as soon as I walk into my office and then I'll take it every night before bed.
Juniper (1:23:49)
Okay, that's what I do too.
Doug (1:23:50)
And the
other thing that I do is I will, when I go into the shower, I'll actually take a mouthful. I never measure it. I always just drink it from the bottle, but this is just my personal regimen. When I go into the shower, I'll take it and I'll hold it in my mouth and swish it in my mouth the entire time that I'm in the shower. So that's five, six, seven minutes, however long a shower is. And I'll swish it around my mouth the whole time in the shower, and then I'll swallow it at the end of the shower.
because knowing what it's doing from an oral care standpoint and how much of those foreign invaders, you know, are in the mouth and the gums, that's just my personal regimen of what I
Juniper (1:24:20)
That's really neat. do get the question a lot, like how can I use this for tooth infections or any oral? So that's really neat.
Doug (1:24:41)
Yeah, and oral concerns, bleeding gums, tooth infections, all of this kind of stuff. It is wonderful. And what we like I say, what we know is that we can get silver in the affected area for two minutes. We're going to help annihilate those things. So for me, it starts in the oral cavity, right? So like I say that three to five, seven minutes in the shower, the entire time I'm just circulating it, pushing it through my teeth with my tongue and, and everything. And what a great way to just keep the biome of the mouth clean.
So if women were to do that, you know, and men get it too, but they get that oral thrush, that yellow or that white tongue. If there's a great way right there to tell if it's working or not, right. Do exactly as I'm saying there every day for a week and just watch your tongue.
Juniper (1:25:30)
Wow, okay, I'm gonna start doing that and I'm gonna have my, I want my kids and Ty to do that. Okay, I'm gonna go to the next question. What makes silver and this supplement unique other protocols?
Doug (1:25:36)
Okay, so back to the point that it doesn't metabolize in the digestive system. It's cleansing the yeast, bacteria, fungus, mold and viruses out of the body. And it's not being interrupted by any other supplements that somebody is taking. So this can be safe and effective and a value add to any other supplement or dietary protocols.
Juniper (1:26:13)
Okay, and the next three we've touched on, I'm gonna read them here because I want these women to feel acknowledged, but we have touched on these. So this one's very similar. Differences in your product and herbal cleanse products, like how does yours work so well? So we've gone over that. The next one is, take it daily, but I'm getting told I shouldn't. Can you clarify why it's not dangerous?
Doug (1:26:37)
Yeah, the I'm getting told that I shouldn't is coming by somebody that's looked at Dr. Google online and seen that silver can turn you blue, which we addressed earlier in the fact that this product over 20 years has never done that with anybody taking this day in day out religiously for long periods of time. So that's more, you know, our friends and other people in our lives always seem to know more than we do.
without having anything to base their decisions or their feedback on. So if anything, I just say, be careful on who you take your advice from because they're either coming off a hearsay or what Dr. Google's saying and they haven't done any research other than I heard. So because I heard, I'm gonna tell you what I think when I don't have anything to base what I think on other than an opinion.
Juniper (1:27:30)
Exactly. I mean, all of our family, our friends, even influencers, they don't have bad intention. But just how we talked about a little while ago is not everybody is an expert on everything. And unless if the person that you are being told from has done research on whatever it is, whether it's silver or whatever it is, I think I kind of see that as an invitation to, if they're
feedback is making me uncomfortable, I actually need to learn more myself so that I can make the best decision for me.
Doug (1:28:05)
Yeah, and if somebody says to you, you you shouldn't be taking this every day or you should be doing this. And it's not even in regards to silver, it's just in any of it. You know, somebody saying, well, don't take this or don't do that. Okay, well, I'll always ask them, well, why are you saying that? Wow, you know, they say, well, who's they? Wow, you know, and you never actually get to an answer as to why they're giving you the feedback that they're giving you.
And it's like, okay, well, thanks for giving me all this advice when you actually have nothing to even put it on, right? Well, it's true.
Juniper (1:28:39)
so true. It just makes me die laughing for a second. I felt like I was sitting at my grandma's dining room table with my dad and my uncle and then just having that exact conversation. Well, hey, well, hey, and you just remember even as a child sitting there, who the hell are they? Like
Doug (1:28:53)
Right. Well,
and, it always comes up and I, and I love my mother in lot of pieces, but she's like my prime culprit in my life. Cause her and I will argue about everything all the time. You know, it's out of love, but you know, you shouldn't do this. Well, why not? Well, they say, well, who's they? Well, you know, they, them, you know, the news or this or that,
Juniper (1:29:17)
Doug (1:29:17)
don't need to make your health decisions. How about we just say that?
Juniper (1:29:22)
Great answer. We have two more here. You answered this one earlier, but I want you to cite the sources again. Are there any long-term studies on the use of silver? Where can people find that?
Doug (1:29:34)
Yeah, people can go to the National Institute of Health or PubMed, know, John Hopkins Society. There's over 5,000 research papers that have been done there. There used to be a lot more, but unfortunately some of them got taken down when the world went crazy a couple of years ago. That's a whole other conversation, but there still is a lot of research out there with lots of citations by leading researchers.
Juniper (1:29:58)
Okay, and then earlier you said someone, you said maybe an author or about structured water. Who is, okay, how do you spell that?
Doug (1:30:05)
Dr. Roy Pollack.
Juniper (1:30:13)
Okay, and then the last question here, is it safe for a child who has MTHFR? I'm so nervous to try something and make him worse.
Doug (1:30:23)
Yeah, and this comes up a lot, you know, the gene mutation, but if you look into it and come back to it, it's actually a bacterial concern.
Juniper (1:30:39)
I this question a lot. And when I receive questions that I don't know the answer to, I'm reaching out to you or other experts who helped me create my products because I don't want to just guess. I don't want to get my answers from Google. I want to get answers from experts like you who actually know. And so I know that you have given me many, many responses.
in regard to this gene. And so I want to maybe just take a minute here. This is our last question. We're going to wrap this episode up. But I just want to go into that for a minute because this is a
Doug (1:31:16)
There is a peer-reviewed
medical research on podbed specifically around silver and MTHR.
Juniper (1:31:22)
Really? my gosh. Okay. Maybe I'll, maybe I'll try to find that and, if you can send it to me, I'll link it in the.
Doug (1:31:31)
Yeah, and there's, and staph
and strep, and which are all bacterials. But yeah, there's quite a bit of research there.
Juniper (1:31:42)
Okay, so to answer it really quickly right here, is there a concern in doing the children's gut rebalance or taking cleanse for a child who has this gene mutation or a woman or anyone?
Doug (1:31:55)
No, not at all because once again, we're not commanding any functions of the body to go into a negative response mode because we're strictly only attacking yeast, bacteria, fungus and mold in the body. So when we start negative responses from the body in certain substances is because the digestive system has broken it down and it has to do a function with that.
and can deliver through the body. We've got to remember that we're not metabolizing in the body. And that's one of the biggest things with silver is it doesn't metabolize in the body. Meaning it commands no digestive or no immune function in order to do what it does. Just think of it as circulating through the body, going after the foreign invaders, but not going after to change the physiology of the cells or the body.
Juniper (1:32:53)
So I will hear this a lot from moms who have done it. And I've actually gotten, I recently received a message saying, think her, like her gene has disappeared. And what she's meaning is her child's not experiencing
Doug (1:33:14)
Juniper (1:33:15)
the symptoms
anymore. And so of course our genes don't disappear, but we can change the way that our bodies function. Just like bad bacteria, yeast, pathogens, viruses change the way that our bodies function, we can heal our bodies and change the way that our bodies function.
Doug (1:33:30)
Right, so when we think about our immune system for a second too, is our immune system's absolutely brilliant. And scientists four years ago thought that our immune systems weren't brilliant, right? It's the only way to say it. But so when we think about it for a second, when you get chickenpox as a kid, The chickenpox never leaves the body. The immune system is keeping that chickenpox at bay. It taught itself how to...
Juniper (1:33:55)
Doug (1:34:09)
take care of that, right? So when we look at a lot of the different things that happen within the body, because that's where if you notice somebody can be good and healthy, and then all of a sudden they break a leg or have some kind of tragic event happen to their body, and all of a sudden they get all these other problems, right? And they're like, why did this happen? Well, our immune system only has so many soldiers to go around. It's the easiest way to say it. So when somebody has, you know, like a broken leg or something,
really bad happened to their body, that immune system unfortunately gives up over here and it has to all run over here to help fix that, Which is where we see those other things happening within the body at that time. So the best answer to that is what we're talking about here is the immune support factor that we're keeping the immune system functioning. It is absolutely 100%.
So in regards to what you're talking about here with this child and this MTHR is the immune system's keeping that in base. So the symptoms aren't being manifested in how it's adopting into the life of the child.
So when we look at the MTHR for instance, is it going away? We don't really know, but what we know is we've taken the immune system to a point where it can keep that at bay and the child or whoever's suffering from that concern is going to feel a lot better because we've helped the immune system.
overcome that concern.
Juniper (1:35:43)
the thing about my community is these women are very
much like me in the sense, I mean, I think most moms are. We want to understand how and why things are working.
And so being able to really paint a picture so they understand why and then you know after you do something like the women's or children's gut rebalance kit, maybe you do a few back-to-back why maintaining the dosage is important and how that helps maintain your immune system and the healing that you've experienced and
Doug, this has been a really powerful conversation and I cannot wait to share this with my audience. Thank you so much for being here and I have a feeling that we'll have you back on the show.
Doug (1:36:23)
Thank you and anytime, anytime. And if people have questions, know, from the years we've been working together, we're going to make sure that we help.
and look forward to doing more of these together.