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Welcome to episode 35; A Time For Celebration and Rest
I want to begin this episode by sharing my utmost gratitude with you. Maybe you don’t know it but I surely hope you do - you listening to this podcast means a whole lot to me. In addition to motherhood my life purpose is to share the magic of gut awareness and balance with the world. So I thank you for being here. You can probably hear it in my voice - my family and I have covid. After going on a last minute cross country trip and back that took 17 days we are all pretty wiped and I am not really surprised that we got it. We haven’t been sick since we had Covid last June. Luckily it isn’t as bad this time around but here we are.
Anyway, in this episode I want to recap this year. Where ōNLē ORGANICS has been and where we are going. I want to celebrate with you because here we are, already on the 35th episode of Follow Your Gut podcast with nearly 5,000 downloads and so much healing within our community.
There are times where I question what I am doing. Where I ask myself if I have it in me to continue pursuing this wild dream. I ask my husband if its worth it for me to keep going. I am a highly sensitive person and this business is built from my heart and every part is attached to it. I physically do not know how to detach my heart nor do I have the desire to. My heart is what makes it authentic, pure and genuine. But this comes at a cost and I am having to learn how to expand without hardening my heart. Like all businesses, as ōNLē grows there are more opportunities to overcome obstacles and learning how to delegate to my team is a beautiful evolution.
I share this to always be real with you. Sometimes from the outside it is easy to assume that everyone else has life figured out. That they don’t have doubts and big dreams come easy. This isn’t the case and while I know I will always be committed to ōNLē, there are of course times where I am depleted and I want to throw in the towel. What I have learned though is that ōNLē is now bigger than and idea now. The universe has made it clear time and time again that there is a need for the genuine care and true healing that ōNLē provides. Instead of settling with the options of self depletion or throwing in the towel, I have been diligently working on expanding my team. This offers me the space I need to honor my heart while also continuing to make an even bigger impact.
Last January ōNLē was operating out of a little cabin on my property. A friend worked for me and sent orders out every Tuesday and Friday. She and I made up the entirety of the ōNLē team. I never even knew a podcast was in the future.
Fast forward to today, December 19th 2022 (in case if you are listening to this episode sometime in the future) and ōNLē is in a completely different place. We have an operations and retail manager, a business manager, an inventory and customer support specialist, a marketing specialist and an entire fulfillment team. Orders are now fulfilled from a large warehouse and go out every business day. Listing this out here is blowing my mind. That is a lot of growth in one year. Three years ago, ōNLē was just a brand new idea. Two years ago we were not even six months old and now, here we are - just under two and a half years old. So much has changed but there are of course some things that are still the same - the values of ōNLē have not changed and they never will. I am actively involved in every part of the business to make sure that the quality of everything from the products to your experience is never compromised. No matter the growth that we make.
The Follow Your Gut Podcast was really an on the whim idea. I ordered a microphone without a solid vision of where it would go but felt it strong in my heart that it was something of value that I needed to share with you. My first episode went up in May of this year and here we are - 8 months later and wow! It has captivated a lot. Something I love the most about this podcast is that I get asked really important questions daily from mamas and I am able to lead them here. These are questions that deserve thorough answers. Ones like “is it safe to rebalance my gut while pregnant”. This is where ōNLē is different. Not only am I not licensed to answer questions like this - my mission is to offer a different kind of support than our western medical world. I believe in the power of women. The power of education and then taking what you learn, consulting inward and making your decisions based off what your informed intuition says is right for you. You always know best for your family and I am here to empower you with knowledge and inspiration to trust yourself. For mamas who ask me this question I send them to episode 16.
This year ōNLē supported nearly 1,500 people in healing their gut. Isn’t that absolutely remarkable? Not as a pat on my back but a respect to all of those who have made the incredible decision to own their health and happiness. To really step in and become the leader of their family’s wellness. When the gut is balanced your mood is more stable, your outlook on life is more positive and your sleep is better. A stable, positive and well rested person has a whole lot to contribute to this world and I think its safe to say that ōNLē is making a big impact.
Now I have a few announcements that I need you to be aware of going into 2023.
My mission is to provide the absolute best quality supplements for the most affordable prices. It is so important to me that all families have equal access to quality wellness if they choose it. However, with inflation and increasing costs of shipping and every part of creating the best quality supplements and providing you with the best experience some shifts need to happen for me be to be able to continue providing you with the best of the best.
My team and I have worked diligently to come up with the best options for you and here they are . . .
- All subscription orders will get 15% off instead of the old 10% off.
- There is no longer free shipping. However, we work to provide the lowest possible rates to keep it as affordable as possible for you.
- The price of some supplements and products will be increasing slightly.
These changes will go into effect on January 1st 2023.
As a small, heart-lead business I am always learning, expanding and pivoting to best serve you. And I have a really exciting announcement to share. All Gut Rebalance Kits will now include free enrollment in my brand new course called The Essentials of Gut Health. This course will be available January 1st and all orders from here forward will be enrolled when it is available.
I want you to get the absolute most out of your Gut Rebalance and I want you to experience the the profound healing that is possible. But supplements are only part of healing. In the course I will teach you exactly what else to do while rebalance you or your child's gut.
Not to be confused though, this course is quite different than my other course Happy and Healthy From the Inside Out. In case if you have enrolled in this course I want to make sure you know that the value of this course is still the same. The Essentials of Gut Health is not nearly as comprehensive as The Happy and Healthy Course ♡
Moving into 2023 we have big plans of ways to support even more family’s in experiencing their happiest and healthiest lives. The first is we are going to be growing our affiliate program. Where together we can spread the healing of ōNLē. Affiliates will get a discount code to share with their friends and family and every time that code is used the affiliate will make a percentage of that order. This is a way for me to share my gratitude and for us to grow together. We have a lot of support planned for this affiliate program because just like everything at ōNLē, it will be very intentional. There will be gatherings and celebrations, the compensation will be very generous and all affiliates will be part of an empowering community where together we can rise and sing about the beauty of living in balance and leading our own family’s wellness. If you are interested in being part of this affiliate program please email us at customercare@onleorganics.com and we will add you to our list.
Our second focus of growth going into 2023 is for the first time we are going to be focusing heavily on getting into retail. I am not shy with sharing big goals because I think it lets the universe know we are serious and it makes it more likely to happen. So here it goes . . . We have a goal to be in every single Whole Foods, Co-ops and a few other smaller health food stores by the end of 2023. Our online store will still be available but as a team we want to make ōNLē products and supplements even more accessible for you. I know what it is like to run out of something like Cleanse at a time where you need it most and having to wait for the mail can be really hard. This is incredibly exciting. I never considered that retail would be in ōNLē’s future because the type of work it takes to get into stores is not a skillset I have nor one I really desire to learn. My husband, Ty though? He was a salesman for 12 years and what we didn’t realize during those 12 years is that that job was training him for this opportunity. He is now one of he ōNLē team members and he will be working all of the retail magic in 2023. What a gift it is to be able to partner with him in this way. He is my best friend, my partner in life and parenting and now this. Whooo. It makes me emotional because I am just so grateful and he is a powerhouse. I have no doubt that by this time next year I will be recording next years celebrations episode and reporting back on his grand achievements.
Another big goal we have for 2023 is to get my cookbook published.
The success of this podcast isn’t about the number of downloads it receives but that it inspires listeners like you to take the leadership of your own life. To learn how to nurture your gut into balance, maintain that balance and then have the clarity to jump as big as you want toward the dreams you have either always had or that surface for you as your gut brain connection becomes stronger. This podcast is here to inspire you to be your family’s wellness leader. You can heal symptoms that have plagued your child for years by believing that healing is possible, being patient and committed and healing their gut bacteria. I don’t have a goal for the amount of downloads this podcast will receive in 2023 but I do have an impact goal. I hope to support 5,000 family through this podcast and my online shop.
We are together in motherhood and today I want to celebrate you being here, the growth of ōNLē and unlimited possibilities ahead. Thank you for being here. This is the final episode for 2022 as I am going to step away and into a space of rest with my family for the remainder of the year. I have never taken any time off since I started ōNLē and its time. I am going to recharge my heart and I cannot wait to be back here with you in 2023. Happy holidays, my friend.