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We're all encouraged to take our prenatal vitamins and omega-3s during pregnancy, but why don't we hear about the critical role of our gut microbiome? It's an overlooked aspect of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum health and the truth is, your microbiome plays a profound role in your overall well-being and the development of your baby. Today, we're diving into this and exploring five reasons why rebalancing your gut during pregnancy should be a top priority.
Before we dive into the episode, I want to share something really exciting with you. Have you ever dreamed of connecting the dots of your health story with someone who offers an outside perspective and sees life through a microbiome lens? To uncover the ‘when, where, and why’ behind your or your child’s health challenges?
Starting in 2025, I’m offering Breakthrough Sessions on the podcast. These 1:1 coaching-style conversations are raw, vulnerable, and deeply transformative. Nothing is off the table - trauma, pregnancy, birth, medications, or anything else that has shaped your journey. Together, we’ll dive into your unique health story, uncover patterns, and spark powerful healing - not just for you, but for everyone listening.
If this resonates with you, I’d love for you to apply. Spots are limited, so don’t wait! I have the application linked in the show notes for you.
To truly grasp the importance of gut health during pregnancy, it's helpful to understand just how influential your microbiome is. This internal world within you is teeming with trillions of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microscopic organisms, all interacting in a delicate balance. These microbes aren't just passive residents; they actively participate in a wide range of physiological processes, impacting everything from your digestion and nutrient absorption to your immune function and hormonal balance.
And it’s important to know that this microbial community is not static. It's constantly evolving and responding to various factors like your diet, stress levels, medication use, and environment. This dynamic nature emphasizes the importance of making conscious choices during pregnancy to support a thriving gut microbiome. Because, you're not just shaping your own health; you're influencing the health of your baby. So lets jump into the five ways that your gut microbiome directly impacts you and your baby during pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
1. Let's start with the role your gut plays in your immunity. Did you know that 70 - 80% of your immune system resides in your gut? This intricate network of immune cells interacts constantly with your gut microbiome. During pregnancy, your immune system undergoes natural modulation to prevent it from attacking your developing baby. This temporary shift in immune function can make you more susceptible to infections, from the common cold to more serious illnesses. It's similar to how the increase in relaxin causes your muscles and ligaments to become looser to accommodate the necessary stretching of your body during pregnancy; your immune system also experiences a kind of "loosening" to protect your baby.
This is why women who prioritize their gut health during pregnancy report fewer infections, less severe morning sickness, and even a reduced risk of their babies developing symptoms like allergies later on. In fact, many women who actively rebalance their gut during subsequent pregnancies find those pregnancies are significantly healthier than their prior ones when they didn't focus on gut health.
For example, I recently heard from a listener named Sarah who had a really hard time during her first pregnancy. She struggled with debilitating morning sickness, caught every cold that went around, and tested positive for Group B Strep, which required antibiotics during labor. Her baby also had a hard start. He experienced colic, eczema, and multiple food allergies. She and I were connected by a mutual follower on instagram and she got the Children's Gut Rebalance Kit for him. When his skin cleared and his allergies went away she committed to rebalancing her own gut at the beginning of her second pregnancy.
The result? A completely different experience! She sailed through her second pregnancy with minimal morning sickness, didn't catch a single cold, and avoided GBS altogether. Her second baby is now a thriving toddler with no signs of skin rashes, allergies or digestive issues.
Stories like Sarah's are a powerful reminder of just how impactful our gut health is during pregnancy. But it's not just about your immune system. Which leads us into the second reason why this conversation is so important.
2. Nutrient Absorption.
Your body is working tirelessly to grow a tiny human, and it requires a constant supply of essential vitamins and minerals to fuel this incredible process. From calcium for strong bones to iron for healthy blood, every nutrient plays a vital role in your baby's growth and development. Which is, of course, why birth workers really reinforce you taking prenatal vitamins.
But here's the irony...
We're told to diligently take these vitamins, yet there is little focus on whether our bodies can actually absorb and utilize those nutrients effectively. And the truth is, if your gut is out of balance, you are not getting the benefits of those prenatal vitamins, no matter how expensive or high-quality they are.
Why? Because an imbalanced gut is an inflamed gut. This inflammation damages the lining of your digestive tract, making it less efficient at absorbing nutrients. But it's not just the inflammation hindering absorption; there's also a competition happening inside your body. An imbalance means an overgrowth of bad bacteria and yeast, and not enough of the beneficial kind. Those bad bacteria and yeast essentially steal the precious nutrients from your vitamins and food, leaving less for you and your developing baby.
Think of it like trying to water a garden with a leaky hose - some of that precious water is going to be lost before it reaches the plants. Similarly, when your gut is inflamed due to an imbalance, those essential vitamins and minerals might not be making it into your bloodstream where they can nourish you and your baby. And to make matters worse, those unwanted guests in your gut are feasting on the nutrients that were meant for you!
Now, you might be thinking, "Okay, but what does an imbalanced gut actually feel like?" Well, it can manifest in several ways. Many women experience digestive discomforts during pregnancy, like constipation, bloating, heartburn, and even nausea. While this is common, it is not normal. These symptoms are signs that your gut is struggling to absorb nutrients properly. That constipation? It means that food is moving too slowly through your system, giving those bad overgrowths even more time to steal what's meant for you and your baby. That heartburn? It indicates that your stomach acid is out of whack, affecting your ability to break down food and access those vital nutrients.
So, we've talked about how a healthy gut is essential for supporting your immune system and absorbing nutrients. Now let’s talk about how your microbiome helps shape your baby's development.
3. Fetal Development:
It's really amazing to think that the community of microbes living in your gut can directly impact your baby's development, even before they're born. But emerging research is showing us just how interconnected you and your baby are. It's like a microbial symphony, with your gut microbiome playing a key role in orchestrating your baby's growth and development.
Studies show that the composition of your gut microbiome during pregnancy influences a wide range of factors in your developing baby. For example, your baby's immune system begins to develop in the womb, and your gut microbiome plays a key role in this process. A balanced and diverse gut in the mama "trains" the baby's immune system, promoting a healthy immune response. On the other hand, an overgrowth of harmful bacteria or yeast in the mama’s gut can disrupt this delicate process. These unwanted guests release toxins and trigger inflammation, potentially interfering with the development of the baby's immune system and increasing their susceptibility to allergies, eczema, and other immune-related conditions later in life.
Your gut microbiome even impacts your baby's brain development! Certain compounds produced by beneficial gut bacteria also influence the development of the baby's brain and nervous system. This can impact their cognitive function, behavior, and even their mental health later in life. Imbalances can disrupt this process, potentially contributing to neurodevelopmental issues. In fact, I see this all the time in the mamas that I support, where they unknowingly had an imbalance during pregnancy that they passed onto their baby, and it contributed to neurodevelopmental issues.
Even further, research suggests that the maternal gut microbiome plays a role in the baby's metabolism and risk of developing chronic diseases later in life, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and even certain types of cancer. A healthy gut during pregnancy can help set the stage for a healthy metabolism and reduce the risk of these conditions in the child. However, an unhealthy gut increases the likelihood of metabolic issues and chronic disease development later in the child's life.
The significance of your gut health doesn’t end with the birth of your baby. In fact, it becomes even more crucial during your postpartum period. Which leads us beautifully into the fourth and fifth reason your gut health is so important during this stage of your life.
4. Postpartum Recovery
The postpartum period is a time of profound change, both physically and emotionally. Your body is recovering from childbirth, your hormones are fluctuating dramatically, and you're adjusting to the demands of new motherhood. This can be a challenging time, and your gut health plays a key role in how smoothly you navigate this transition.
A balanced gut microbiome can be one of your most powerful allies or enemies during this time. When it's thriving, it acts as your internal support system, helping you recover and rebuild after the incredible feat of growing and birthing a human. For instance, those beneficial bacteria in your gut can actually influence the production and metabolism of various hormones, including those involved in mood regulation, stress response, and milk production. This means a healthy gut can help promote hormonal balance during this time of fluctuation, reducing the risk of postpartum depression and anxiety. And it's not just your hormones; those friendly microbes also produce neurotransmitters like serotonin, which is often called the "feel-good" hormone. So, a balanced gut can support optimal neurotransmitter production, boosting your energy levels and mood during those sleep-deprived early days of motherhood.
Of course, your body is also undergoing significant physical healing and recovery after childbirth, whether you had a vaginal delivery or a C-section. And! A healthy gut microbiome can help reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair, which is essential for bouncing back stronger. Plus, let's not forget that your body's nutritional needs remain high during the postpartum period, especially if you're breastfeeding. A balanced gut ensures you're effectively absorbing the nutrients you need to replenish your body and support your baby's continued growth.
The ripple effect of your gut health continues to play a vital role in your baby's health and well-being, even after they're born, especially when it comes to breastfeeding. Which is the fifth reason your gut health is so important.
5. Milk Supply: The Gut-Breast Milk Connection
Your microbiome directly impacts your milk supply and the quality of your milk. It's a beautiful connection that highlights the intricate ways our bodies work together to nourish our babies.
A balanced gut microbiome ensures you're effectively absorbing the nutrients you need to produce the best breast milk possible. Your gut bacteria also influences the production of prolactin, a hormone that plays a key role in milk production. So, a balanced gut helps support optimal prolactin levels, contributing to a healthy milk supply.
Every single day I get messages from mamas saying their milk is drying up and their baby is covered in eczema. These two issues aren't coincidentally happening at the same time. They're both signs of an underlying gut imbalance that's affecting both mama and baby. When your gut is struggling, it disrupts your hormone production, reduces nutrient absorption, and triggers inflammation that can interfere with milk production. And if you have an imbalance, your baby has an imbalance which often surface in symptoms like eczema.
Every single day, I get messages from mamas saying their milk is drying up and their baby is covered in eczema. These two issues aren't coincidentally happening at the same time. They're both signs of an underlying gut imbalance that's affecting both mama and baby. When your gut is struggling, it disrupts hormone production, reduces nutrient absorption, and triggers inflammation that can interfere with your milk production. And if you have an imbalance, your baby has an imbalance, which will often surface in symptoms like eczema.
The worst advice mamas in this situation are given is to stop breastfeeding and begin formula. What really needs to happen is that both mama and baby need to heal from the foundation of their bodies by addressing the root problem. Rebalancing the gut addresses the problem and actually heals the body. The solution isn’t to just jump ship. It is to create a thriving internal ecosystem that heals both mama and baby.
So, there you have it - five profound reasons why prioritizing your gut health during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself and your baby.
When it comes to pregnancy, there's often a lot of focus on what to avoid - certain foods, activities, even skincare products. But what about the things we should be actively embracing? Nurturing your gut is at the top of that list.
Many people worry about the safety of rebalancing during pregnancy, but the truth is, there are no negative side effects. In fact, the real concern should be the risks of having an imbalance, as we've explored throughout this episode.
My hope is that this information empowers you to confidently take charge of your health. Prioritizing your gut can create a ripple effect of benefits, not just for you, but for your growing baby and your entire family.