You Have to Know This to Heal Eczema

You Have to Know This to Heal Eczema

Eczema is a chronic skin condition characterized by red, itchy, and inflamed patches. It can be incredibly frustrating and uncomfortable especially when you can’t pinpoint what makes it flare. 

What many people don't realize is that skin conditions like eczema stems from an imbalance in your gut microbiome.

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Eczema is a chronic skin condition characterized by red, itchy, and inflamed patches. It can be incredibly frustrating and uncomfortable especially when you can’t pinpoint what makes it flare. 

What many people don't realize is that skin conditions like eczema stems from an imbalance in your gut microbiome.

I remember when my son was covered head to toe in the most itchy red rash. He was just a few weeks old and would scratch himself so badly that he would be dripping in blood if I looked away for even a minute. Even though I had put those little mittens on him. He was so uncomfortable he couldn’t sleep and would scream in pain for hours on end.

It is rare for a condition like eczema to be solitary. Most likely if you or your child has eczema you also have other symptoms whether it’s digestive issues and sour smelling poop or mood fluctuations, food allergies or restless sleep. The thing all of these have in common is the root cause.

To really understand how the gut is connected to your skin we need to talk about the gut-skin axis. This is a communication network between your gut microbiome and your skin, mediated by the immune system. When the gut microbiome is balanced, it supports a healthy immune response and helps maintain skin health. However, an imbalance in the gut microbiome disrupts this harmony and can lead to skin conditions like eczema.

So lets go into this further. How Gut Imbalance Leads to Eczema.

A healthy gut microbiome plays a crucial role in regulating your immune system. In fact 70% of your immune system resides in your gut. It helps differentiate between harmful and harmless substances, preventing unnecessary immune reactions. When there's an imbalance, the immune system can become overactive, leading to inflammation both in the gut and on the skin. This chronic inflammation is a key factor in the development of eczema.

This inflammation also causes blurred communication between your gut and brain. This can lead to food allergies and intolerances which often surface as eczema rashes. 

Additionally, an imbalance increases intestinal permeability, often referred to as "leaky gut." This condition allows larger, undigested food particles and toxins to pass through the gut lining into the bloodstream, triggering immune responses and systemic inflammation. This systemic inflammation can manifest as eczema on the skin.

Lastly, Certain harmful bacteria in the gut can produce metabolites that disrupt skin health. These metabolites can affect the skin's barrier function, making it more susceptible to irritants and allergens that can exacerbate eczema.

If you or your child suffer from eczema, you are well aware that western medicines go-to solution is steroid creams. 

The problem with this is that steroid creams don’t address the root problem behind your eczema rash. The rash may go away but your body developed a rash in the first place because something is wrong and it’s asking you for help. When you bandaid the deeper problem with topical treatments you miss the opportunity to really heal.

In order to heal the body from the root you must heal the gut. In order to do this you will need to kill the bad bacteria, pathogens, yeast, mold and possibly even parasites while replenishing the good bacteria. 

This can be done with my Women’s and Children’s Gut Rebalance Kits and Balanced Bacteria Skincare Kit. 

You will need to eliminate the foods that feed these bad bacteria, pathogens, yeast, mold and parasites. With the purchase of my rebalance kits you will get free access to my course where you will learn all about the foods that you need to avoid. This will help starve the undesirable overgrowth in your gut while the supplements do their magic. 

Lastly, you will want to replace all topical products with microbiome friendly alternatives. My Balanced Bacteria Skincare kit is designed to do just this. Support your topical microbiome in healing while the rebalance kits heal your body internally. 

In the show notes I will attach links to the rebalance kits and other podcast episodes that teach about the WHY behind gut imbalance, more on why to avoid steroid creams and a mamas story on healing her sons chronic eczema. 

This was short but hopefully filled you with courage and hope. Don’t settle. It doesn’t matter how long you have struggled. You are in the right place here and you can heal.